p u r p l e v o i dv2

This website

Welcome to purplevoid! I am Soen and I am very new to coding. I created this website to learn about, and progress my knowledge of HTML and coding in general. I got the idea from a webring thread at Lainchan, and I'm glad I went along with it. I still got much more to learn, so please bear with me. This site will primarily be used for entries, literature, projects etc. maybe even poetry. I suffer from brain fog, so this sentence sure was a lot of work to come up with.



Managed to scrape on an old 2009 laptop. It'll do for now. It is very comfortable though.

[Stuff to add/update]

  • Literature page
  • Update About Page (after this purplevoid is v3)
  • Second Navigation Bar
  • Freeware
  • Update Webring
  • Anime/Manga/Vidya (?)
  • :)
